Acropora before bleaching
Acropora after bleaching
Porites before bleaching
Poritesafter bleaching
Lobophytum before bleaching
Lobophytum after bleaching
A colony of sea anemones in the reefs of Agathi island
Algal (Helimeda macroloba) growth on the healthy reefs of Kavarathi island
An Acropora in Kavarathi island showing necrotic (green colour) patches
Corals supporting faunal (fish) diversity
Dense reef in Agathi island having Acropora spp.
Profusion of corals - Acropora spp. and Favia spp.
Corals find their settlement even in the inlet canal of Tuticorin Thermal Power Station in Tamil Nadu
Amphiprion clarkii & Entacmaea sp. - Under water photo taken from the Kavaratti Island of Lakshadweep
Diploastrea heliopora (Lamarck, 1816).
Underwater view of coral Platygyra sp. in Agatti island, Lakshadweep (May, 2010)
School of yellow stripe snapper Lutjanus kasmira in the waters of Agatti Island, Lakshadweep
Coral acropora humilis with mucus strands in Agatti Island, Lakshadweep
Exposed corals of Acropora spp. lying scattered during low tide in Agatti island
A view of bleached corals in about 2m depth of Agatti lagoon
Bleached and healthy corals in the shallow waters of Agatti
Bleached giant clam, Tridacna maxima
Bleaching or recovering from bleaching, Acropora sp.
Partially bleached tentacle anemone Heteractis magnifica with clownfish Amphiprion nigripes
School of Yelloback sergeant and Bluestriped surgeon fishes with bleached corals
A view of bleached Acropora spp with black streak surgeon fish
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